Monday, June 7, 2010
What I could tell you about Pokémon I could write on the back of my hand. With magic marker. And I have tiny hands. Nonetheless, I know that it's a card game, a video game and a cartoon, that it gives Japanese schoolchildren epileptic seizures, and it 'stars' Pikachu. Pikachi is a yellow ball with a face and a tail. Theo Huxtable is none of the above. I thought it would be drop-dead funny to make up a Pokémon card with Theo on it.
But it wasn't really all that funny. Oh well.
Here it is Gameboy-sized:
Monday, May 31, 2010
Being Theo Huxtable
Being Theo Huxtable
I've never seen the movie. Seems intriguing, I guess. But I'm just not that much of a movie person. I like some of the Spike Jonze videos I've seen, so I'm sure that means I'd like the movie.
Anyway, the poster - thousands of people holding masks of John Malkovich to their faces - was ripe for parody. This was back when I only had the handed Theo, but still I like it: a million Theo clones with a million cloned hands.
And here is is bite-sized:

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Monday, May 24, 2010
Uncle Sam-Theo

Uncle Sam-Theo
Okay, yet another variation on the 'take an iconic image and stick Theo's face on it' theme... this is, of course, the warmongering poster that has convinced countless Americans to trod off to their deaths. Here, then, it's Theo Huxtable inviting people to... well, I have no idea. To compose songs with Stevie Wonder? To wear a highly fashionable Gordon Gartrelle shirt?
As a side note, it's a God-awful job, really, with the result looking neither like Theo nor Uncle Sam. A horrid mess. Enjoy!
Messy but smaller:

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Monday, May 17, 2010
Monty Python Crushes Theo

Monty Python Crushes Theo
I love Monty Python. At their most ridiculous, they're brilliant, and at their most brilliant, they're ridiculous. It's got the exact sense of humour I prefer.
Monty Python movies and the Flying Circus often featured animations - usually quick little things to link different skits. One of the most iconinc was the big foot that comes out of the sky, crushing whatever is beneath it. Well, here's the big foot crushing our poor Theo. Wait for it.
Smaller, but no less sexy:

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Monday, May 10, 2010
Old Theo

Old Theo
Just a minor variation of the 'Baby Theo' I included a few months ago. Once again, I didn't really make this myself: it all comes from some website that I'll never be able to find now... one that lets you upload a portrait and have it doctored in all sorts of ways. In this particular case, it's a remarkably successful 'olding up' of our dear Theo. This is what Theo Huxtable will look like in a good... er, well, seen any pictures of him lately?
Here it is all tiny-like.

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Monday, May 3, 2010
Aladdin Theo
I like recasting classic albums as pictures of Theo, and I think this is one of my best efforts at it. Somehow it doesn't look much like Theo anymore, but he's in there somewhere... under the funky hair and behind the lighning bolt. The original is, of course, a David Bowie album, the follow-up to Ziggy Stardust. Not that great an album, great cover.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Here's Theo
The height of stupidity, really... this ridiculous creation is our good friend Theo badly pasted upon Jack Nicholson, axe in hand, screaming "Here's Johnny" in a bizarre imitation of Ed MacMahon in the movie "The Shining". The eyes don't match up... the two mouths are freakish in their superimposition...the result looks like neither Malcolm Jamal Warner nor Jack Nicholson... but just as creepy as a Steven King book.
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